The new range of large format Uviprint Eco-solvents Plotters was born in C! Print 2018.

On September 25, 2018, the expected release to the market of the new and impressive printing plotters for large formats with the revolutionary eco-solvent inks was completed. The affluence was well received by the professionals of the new Uviprint brand, belonging to the Yosan group, who attended at all times to those interested in this new printing technology, at very interesting selling prices, and with an incredible quality in the samples that were printed for the clients that visited the stand, in the different available printable formats, such as vinyl, canvas, etc.
It was also interesting the entry of the new cutting plotters, as well as the wide range of tools available for the placement, cutting and confection of the vinyls and other materials used with these devices, drawing much attention as they were going to respond the new heads of printing with the use of eco-solvent inks that are displacing the old inks, for ecological reasons, and because it has managed to match the quality used by the usual solvent inks, in addition to not having to use such plotters with evaporators, or gas emanation extractors of the inks, toxic for people who use such large format printers.
Results of the C!PRINT 2018 in Madrid
The meeting presents a platform of B2B networks.
C! Print Madrid is much more than a fair, it is a community of dynamic and faithful actors who embody the future of our professions, whether in external communication, in large format printing, in retail, in printed decoration , in textile printing or personalization of objects. A private event will never replace the excitement you may have during three days of the room. We discover the latest trends, the latest innovations
El evento es la cita perfecta para desarrollar el networking, hacemos que todos los profesionales del sector se encuentren en un solo lugar y que en tres días puedan desarrollar y crear alianzas que difícilmente pueden crear con otro tipo de plataformas. C!Print busca acompañar en toda esta experiencia al visitante profesional y también al expositor, intentamos hacer real una conexión de negocios.
¿Cuáles son las últimas tendencias en soluciones de impresión?
En este mercado es complicado saber hacia dónde nos dirigimos. No obstante, en C!Print Madrid se hace evidente una fuerte tendencia hacia la personalización. Personalización de un mensaje, personalización de un producto, personalización de un espacio… se trata de un fenómeno global que abarca todos nuestros sectores de actividad.
C!Print Madrid es un salón transversal, he aquí su fuerza e interés. La agencia de comunicación o el prescriptor que acuda a nuestro evento dispondrá de una amplia gama de soluciones que le permitirán elegir adecuadamente una buena aplicación.